Anyone sincerely seeking truth and looking into the Bible for answers, will learn that all that the Bible says is right and that the Bible is The Word of God. The only way a person can truly realize this is if they read the Bible for themselves.

The Bible is its own interpreter and its own dictionary. It explains itself. The only way to be sure you are understanding it correctly is by testing every conclusion you come to against everything else the Bible says on that particular subject. The Bible does not contradict itself and it contains no errors. There may be errors in a particular translation but this is because the translators misunderstood what God intended to be said. As you read the Bible, if it appears that a contradiction is present, it is always an error in our understanding, not an error in the Bible. By comparing passages with similar language a person can find understanding because the Bible defines it's own terms. Once again, anyone truly seeking truth will realize this more and more as they read. This is the only way to be sure you are understanding the Bible correctly -- by using the Bible to explain the Bible. Any other means of interpreting the Bible (by allowing some other person or some other book to explain the Bible for you) is not trustworthy. This web site will attempt to simply point out what the Bible actually says and let the Bible explain itself. Anyone who truly wants to understand must look up the Bible verses that will be provided. This is highly recommended to ensure that no verses are taken out of their context. If you should have questions or comments about what is said, or have need for additional verses please Click Here

On this web site the main Bible translation that will be used is the Authorized King James Version. This is because I have found that this version seems to be the most consistent in it's choice of English words to translate to. When it translates the original languages of the Bible (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) into English, it usually will apply the same English words to the same meanings of the original languages. Here is a brief example of what I mean: When a particular word of the original language is found in the scripture, such as the Greek word "artos" the King James Bible will mostly use the same English word when it translates "artos" in to the English language. In this case, "artos'' is translated to mean "bread" in English. In contrast, English Bibles other than the King James Version, will translate this word to mean "bread", "meat", or even "food". This can create a problem for us because, as mentioned earlier, the key to allowing the Bible explain itself is comparing passages with similar language, and in order to do that we need to be able to identify that similar language. The English language is not a very "exact" language, many words have similar meanings and can be interchangeable in their usage (the original languages that God chose to write the Bible in are however very exact). Most Bible translators have attempted to make the English language in the Bible flow easily and this is why they used different words to translate the Greek word "artos". But the King James Version has attempted to be as exact as possible in its translating. In fact, they were so careful in their attempt to be accurate, that whenever an English word had to be added to the translation (in order for the meaning to make sense in English) that particular word is italicized in the translation, so that the reader would know that it does not exist in the original language.

The main argument people have against the King James Version is that some of the English used in it is awkward, and that it uses several "Old English" words that are no longer used today. This may be a small problem for a newcomer to the King James Version, but it quickly fades away when a person continues to read. It is also a small compromise for being able to recognize similar passages easier. The New King James Version is a translation that attempts to change all the Old English words, but I have found that too many other changes have been made to it so that it has lost a great deal of its consistency; especially in the Old Testament. The Authorized King James Version is by no means flawless, but the student of the Bible will be able to identify the errors as they test every conclusion they come to against other passages with similar language and the consistency of the English used will allow them to do so.

If you should have questions or comments about what is said or have need for additional verses, please send an e-mail by Clicking Here

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